The Ultimate Self-Care Guide for Enneagram Twos [The Befriender] enneagram 2 self-care Jul 29, 2023

Save this post for the next time you feel overwhelmed by the weight of putting others' needs before your own. By prioritizing self-care, you can nurture your well-being, deepen your connections, and embrace your true worth.

As an Enneagram Two, aka the Befriender, you possess a natural...

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The Ultimate Self-Care Checklist for Enneagram Ones [The Improver] enneagram 1 self-care Jul 29, 2023

Save this post for the next time a you're feeling sad, griefy, or just "off". Making space to take care of yourself can help reduce stress, increase resilience, boost your mood, and improve your overall quality of life.

Self-care is a powerful tool that goes beyond occasional treats or...

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