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The BEST Wellness App for Movement, Meditation & Breathwork

best meditation app best mindfulness app best yoga app breathwork app meditation app mindfulness app yoga app Jun 01, 2023
The BEST Wellness App for Movement, Meditation & Breathwork

Your daily habits, rituals and routines create your quality of life. Everyone who is on a spiritual journey and seeking answers to life's big questions, needs a daily practice. 

Building daily wellness rituals into your life that are sustainable is such a game changing element to enhance your healing, growth, and overall well-being.

Movement, meditation and breathwork are powerful tools for managing stress, improving focus, and enhancing overall well-being. As a spiritual coach and seasoned yoga, meditation and breathwork guide with over a decade of experience, I've tried a TON of different meditation apps and Open is my fave BY FAR! Here's why:

The quality of the instructors. Their international roster of highly trained and experienced instructors come from around the world and offer on-point practices of various lengths and styles that are set to the beat of music.

Well-designed, intuitive interfaces and helpful push reminders make it easy to stay engaged, focused, and keep showing up to your daily practice. Whether you are a beginner or an advanced practitioner, there is something for everyone in the Open app.

The transformative breathwork and meditation practices are a part of my daily ritual, I love the variety of guided meditations and breathwork exercises to choose from based on how long you have and what you need.

As a seasoned yoga instructor, I can attest to the quality of the movement classes they offer. Open's yoga, Pilates, and HIIT sessions -- stream live or on-demand -- are always paired with incredibles tunes and intention.

If you're ready to build a daily meditation and breath practice, but haven't been able to, I highly recommend trying one of Open's monthly challenges, or to start with one of their inspired series for the Open interface, instructors, and mindfulness practices for yourself.

Research has shown that just 10 minutes of meditation and breathwork a day can relieve stress, increase focus, boost energy, improve sleep, and uplift mood. With the Open app, you can easily incorporate these practices into your daily routine and experience these benefits for yourself.

Building a daily ritual with Open has been an integral and transformative piece of my healing, and I believe it can be for you too.

If you're ready take your meditation and breathwork practice to the next level, click here to try it for free for 30 days, with the option to cancel anytime.

Don't wait, click here to try my favourite wellness app and experience the peace and presence that ripples into your life when you have a daily practice that grounds you in the present moment.

My go-to breathwork practices within the app are Symmetry with Crussen and Harmonize with Ally Maz, Manoj Diaz is my favourite meditation teacher, and Lihi B is a beautiful yoga and breath teacher. Comment below and tell me which practice ends up being your favourite!

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